Charlotte's Web | Harrisburg | April 13-16, 2023
Charlotte’s Web
April 13-16, 2023
Open Stage
25 North Court Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
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Adapted by Joseph Robinette
Based on the book by E.B. White
Directed by Rachel Landon
Starring The OSHKids Performance Company
About the Show:
As the sun rises on the Arable’s farm, Fern Arable discovers that her father is planning on killing the runt of the litter of pigs born during the night. She runs to save it and persuades her father to let her keep the pig, whom she names Wilbur. Wilbur is taken to the farm of her uncle, Homer Zuckerman, where he meets the other farmyard animals.
However, Wilbur is lonely without a special friend of his own...that is, until he meets Charlotte—a spider. Charlotte decides to save Wilbur from the fate of all other pigs, and she begins to spin the words “Some Pig” in her web. When her words are discovered, the Zuckermans are astounded and realize the potential for publicity and financial reward.
This production features the student actors of The OSHKids Performance Company.
Performance Schedule
Thursday, April 13 @ 7:30 pm
Friday, April 14 @ 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 15 @ 11 am
Saturday, April 15 @ 7:30 pm
Sunday, April 16 @ 2 pm
Ticket Information
Tickets are $18
Open Stage
25 North Court Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101